منزل إلى شراء في Trancoso, البرتغال

منزل • 1 غرفة (غرف) • 175 متر مربع • مرجع: 126021033-8
‏98,282 AED
House T0 for sale at 30 000 This ancestral construction, in granite, is located in a high point of the village of Terrenho, in the municipality of Trancoso. Due to its characteristics and location, it almost seems like a small fortress from which one can look out over the town and its medieval structure and over the Teja dam and its magnificent river beach... It is in this magnificent pre-existence that you can build your refuge, where you can enjoy the rest that only the interior of Beira and its beautiful and wild nature can offer you... Visit and be enchanted!




المعيشة175 متر مربع


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